Diagram: Judicial Review of Constitutional Amendments
Can constitutional amendments be reviewed by constitutional courts? |
If there is no constitutional |
YES Examples:
- The US SC - Turkish CC |
If there is substantive limits Examples: - German CC - Turkish CC |
If there no substantive limits Examples - The US SC - Irish SC BUT, there are constitutional courts accepting the existence of implicit substantive limits. Examples: - German CC (1951-53) - Indian SC - Turkish CC |
The answer is |
The answer is |
YES According to the 1961 and 1982 Turkish, 1980 Chilean, and 1991 Romanian Constitutions |
NO According to the
1950 Indian Constitution |
Under the American model Examples: - The US SC - Indian SC |
NO Under the European model of judicial review. Examples: - French C. Council - Hungarian CC - Slovenian CC - Irish SC BUT, there are CCs declaring themselves competent to review of constitutional amendments: - German CC - Austrian CC - Turkish CC |
Abbreviations: CC Constitutional Court. SC Supreme Court
Kemal Gözler, Judicial Review of Constitutional Amendments:A Comparative Study, Bursa, Ekin Press, 2008, p. 103.[http://www.anayasa.gen.tr/jrca-text.htm] (Dec. 20, 2008)
http://www.anayasa.gen.tr/jrca-diagram.htm (Dec. 20, 2008)
Main Page: http://www.anayasa.gen.tr/jrca-text.htm